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All networks are NOT created equally...

We utilize Cisco 12000 series routers and Cisco 6500 series switches to move your data in, around, out of our network to the Internet and back again. The Cisco name ensures security, reliability and excellent performance. Not only that but our network is connected via 3 separate SONNET (redundant physical fiber optic) rings to multiple carriers including MCI, Global Crossing and Time Warner Cable.

All network routes are NOT equal...

We have partnered with Global Crossing, a world leader in International communications, MCI which runs one of the largest data networks in the world and Time Warner Cable which provides our services with direct connections to Road Runner customers. Even with all of these great partners, the Internet is still wholly unreliable and if a router down the line drops or an entire network goes down, your site still needs to get where it's going and your viewers still need to get to your site. Even if a link doesn't entirely go down but just has a hiccup, that's unacceptable.

Why BGP isn't enough...

Most providers think BGP is the solution, sending messages out announcing that there are multiple paths for traffic to enter and exit your network in the event of link failure but, BGP doesn't know how to do load balancing, it doesn't measure performance and it doesn't care if the link it's using has a 90% packet loss.

So, what do we do different?

We perform route optimization in which special optimization hardware continually probes destinations on the Internet to test for a number of performance and stability statistics. Some of the metrics derived from our probing includes latency, packet loss and jitter amongst many, many others; all of which are factored in to a score that is then assigned to that destination. A route is then chosen for that destination based upon that score to ensure fast, accurate and efficient delivery and response to the requests from and to that destination meaning optimal delivery of your content.

Should the route need shifting due to unforeseen circumstances like a router goes down for a particular route, the optimization hardware sees this and adjusts itself accordingly to provide the next best link with little to no delay.

Click the image illustrated on the left to see a detailed diagram showing our networks routes and connections